
Environmental Services

Management System Audit

Businesses certified to a management system standard are under the obligation to carry out regular internal audits of their system, whether these be quality, environmental or health and safety management systems (article 9.2 of standards ISO 9001:2015, 14001:2015 or 45001:2018).

The experts at EXO Demolition have carried out many internal audits and reviews of environmental management systems (EMS). These may have included preparing recommendations for certification under standard ISO 14001, recommendations to improve companies’ internal management systems, a review of legal requirements applicable to companies and the development of audit protocols or other management tools. Our experts have also acted as auditor or senior auditor for a registrar in over 100 registration, maintenance or internal audits of environmental (ISO 14001), quality (ISO 9001) and health and safety (OHSAS 18001/ISO 45001) management systems in Canada and also the United States, Mexico, Suriname and Jamaica. The sites audited were mostly in the mining sector, including exploration, but also included the: manufacturing, food, pharmaceutical and petrochemical industries.

Environmental compliance audit

Businesses typically use this service to determine whether their activities and facilities comply with federal, provincial and municipal environmental regulations, including requirements included in permits and authorizations. ISO 14001 certified companies also use ECAs to meet the compliance assessment requirement in article 9.1.2 of ISO 14001:2015.

The experts at EXO Demolition have completed hundreds of VCEs (controlled demolitions) in Canada, as well as in the United States, China, Suriname, and French Guiana. The covered sectors of activity include mining and metallurgy, pulp and paper, chemical and petrochemical industries, petroleum depots, manufacturing industries (wood, electronics, printing, metal products), the food sector, and transportation, ranging from small commercial establishments to large industrial complexes.

Implementation of an environmental management system (EMS)

For a business, the first step in implementing sustainable development often consists of introducing an environmental management system (EMS). A number of large companies have developed their own EMS, but international standard ISO 14001:2015 is most often used as a reference. With an EMS a company can identify its main environmental risks, establish objectives and means of control to prevent pollution, and audit its performance to help management take the necessary measures to improve its environmental performance.

The experts at EXO Demolition have served as project officers to help implement ISO 14001-compliant EMS in a number of companies. Their duties included environmental diagnosis, training the internal EMS implementation team, planning how to implement the EMS, environmental training for employees, training internal auditors and performing pre-certification internal audits.

Sustainable development

EXO Demolition can coach you through all the steps to implementing sustainable development: establishing your first diagnosis, identifying priorities for action, finding solutions, launching your projects or measuring your progress. We know standards BNQ21000 (sustainable development of businesses and organizations: analysis of 21 issues), ISO14001 (environmental management) and ISO14064 (greenhouse gases: quantification and greenhouse gas reduction projects), as well as other tools.

Why invest in a sustainable development approach?

Sustainable development allows businesses to navigate more confidently through a constantly-changing world and to adapt to change. It doesn’t just deal with the environment, but also proper business management, risk and opportunity analysis, etc. Sustainable development affects various economic, social, environmental and governance aspects that influence the success and longevity of a company.

Besides being responsible corporate citizens, businesses that opt for sustainable development experience numerous advantages: identifying business opportunities, improved labour relations and employee retention, stronger ties with suppliers, a competitive advantage in numerous government and municipal tenders, improved image, customer loyalty, etc.
